NetSuite offers a complete ERP system for tracking your business progress. The system includes a wide variety of modules and customizations for your particular business. Let’s take a look at the top five modules NetSuite offers.

  1. Supply Chain: NetSuite SCM provides full visibility from conception and manufacturing, to final delivery. With mobile access capabilities and intelligent inventory management, this is one of the best modules you can have. This module conforms to international standards in over 150 countries. 
  2. CRM: Customer relationship management is one of the most important modules needed for most companies. This NetSuite module will help you achieve your sales goal while also delivering exceptional customer service.
  3. Financials: A favorite of CFOs and accountants, this module allows you to take full control of your day to day financials. The use of AI has allowed this module to make more accurate future forecasts as well.
  4. Electronic Invoicing: NetSuite covers over 100 companies in terms of localization and taxes. This module excels and automates invoices, payment orders, tax compliance, and more.
  5. Business Intelligence: Using valuable information regarding the market and competitors, customized data reports that cover various parts of the business are created. This is a top tier analytic and business intelligence module.

Whether your company is in construction, manufacturing, non-profit, the scientific field, or anything else, these top NetSuite modules will ensure your company is streamlined and efficient. If you’re looking to implement NetSuite, contact Palladium Consulting Solutions for your free consultation today!